When someone passes away you may be left in charge of sorting out their property, money and possessions, also known as their estate. To do this you need what is known as a Grant of Probate. The process of applying for the Grant can often be stressful and overwhelming; this is where we come in.
Here at ComplianceWise we will administer the Probate process on your behalf and ensure that it is a stress free experience for you and your family.
People often ask, why do I need a Will? A Will allows you to select the individuals and specific directions on how you wish your estate to be distributed after your death. Failure to prepare a Will typically leaves decisions about your estate in the hands of government officials and may also cause family strife.
A Will can help you identify who should care for your children when you are not around and as a parent this is the most important decision you will make. Without a Will, the courts will decide on your behalf.
You can also use your Will as a tool to organise your assets for future tax planning.
A Lasting Power of Attorney can give someone the authority to deal with and make decisions about your Property and Financial affairs or your Health and Care in the case you ever lose mental capacity.
It is an uncomfortable thought but it is crucial to consider it in good health and make a sensible and calculated decision. An LPA is the single best way to make sure that your interests are protected from the moment you are incapacitated until your death, after which your Will can distribute your estate in the usual way.